30 day trial

We are confident that you will enjoy the benefits from using our system and we are prepared to offer this trial subject of course to a site survey and you complete our standard ’Installation Document’. This will give you the opportunity to decide on three options after the 30 days trail.

Option 1: will be to have the system removed in the unlikely event you find the system unsuitable.

Option 2: will be to do nothing as you will have signed a Rental Agreement at the price agreed prior to installation which comes into force 30 days after the date of installation

Option 3: will be to pay for the system at the agreed price pre-installation. We will send you an invoice which is payable within 7 days.

Service and Maintenance will be included for the 30 day trial period subject to our standard Terms and Conditions in case of fire, damage etc.

Contact Us to start your trial.